Christmas With Me: Having a Merry Christmas on Your Own

During the festive period, there can be a lot of social pressure to be at parties, to be attending family gatherings, to be seen out and about doing festive things with others. And sometimes, for an array of reasons, you can't or simply don't want to be social at this time of year.

22/12/23 Author: Yasmin

2 min read

1. Get into your favourite outfit

Now, this could be pyjamas or fancy clothes- it does not matter. It is about what makes you comfortable and puts you in the festive mood. Brownie points if it the clothing is Christmas themed!

2. Have a movie marathon

If there is a piece of media you love, now is the time to fully appreciate it. There is something very satisfying about consuming content that matches the time of year, but if it isn't Christmas related, something that brings fond memories is also very much a part of what the festive season is all about.

3. Have food/drink that brings that festive sparkle

This can be anything from a roast dinner to a box of chocolates with shiny wrapping, to a glass of mulled wine or maybe even some milk and cookies. If it tastes like Christmas to you, that's what matters.

4. Buy yourself a gift that is intriguing

This idea takes a little preparation, but buying and wrapping a gift for yourself is a great way of making Christmas feel special. You may ask: "Why wrap it if you already know what's inside?" Well, unwrapping is a part of the gift receiving process, and it is important to physically remind yourself that you gave yourself this gift and be thankful that you gifted it- just as you would with a gift someone else has given you. And if the gift is something that you find intriguing, you also are gifting yourself a new experience and making new memories- another important part of Christmas.

5. Gift to a cause you care about

At this time of year, there are a lot of great causes in desperate need. Depending on your circumstances, you could gift money online to an animal charity or a children's charity- really any charity that feels personal to you (maybe even SCUFF?). You can also prep items you already have at home to be donated to a charity shop, or set up a charity fundraiser online.

Gifting to others is not just taking part in a holiday tradition which improves lives, it’s also feeling a positive connection to the world around you without being around others.

Here are 5 ways of having a Merry Christmas by yourself

In summary, there is more than one way to have a wonderful Christmas.

Being social is one way of doing it but is not THE only way.